Current Projects

What's the Big News?
Just filed my taxes (finally), configured a new laptop for my friend, Mickey, I'm half way through laundry, and I'm installing my new dev machine.  It has been a getting-things-done weekend, which isn't as fun as a play weekend, but very necessary.  With most of my obligations handled, I'm hoping I have whatever extra hours are necessary to prepare myself for the next challenge at work. 

The big news in the world is the earthquake and the post-earthquake tsunami in Japan.  Many dead, many homeless, great upheaval; and the forecasters say we could be next.

What's new or updated on Alwanza?
My ISP changed my IP address on me and I have a lot of pages that I need to edit.  Now that I have a registered domain for my home, it doesn't make sense to use the IP address anyway, so this work is an improvement I could have made a year ago, but it wasn't necessary till now.  So that's next.

What hi-tech projects am I working on?
Total concentration on work.  Other than making my new dev machine and turning my current dev machine into my Web server, retiring my old dev machine, installing a network printer; not much.  Next month I'll replace my Windows and Macintosh workstations.  So much I want to do, so little time. 

What else is going on in my life?
I'm running again.  I'm up to 2/3 of a mile of uninterrupted running, then I walk and run again till I've run a mile.  I'm projecting that I'll be running an uninterrupted mile by or before September. 

Any nature observances of interest?
I still hear the varied thrush occasionally in the morn.  The cherry blossoms are blooming, buds are on the fruit trees and the daffodils are blooming.  Feels like spring, but there is occasional morning frost.