Non-Dithering Color Chart Explanation Page | |
also see
Non-Dithering Color Chart Arrangement #1 ............ Non-Dithering Color Chart Arrangement #2 ............ Non-Dithering Color Chart Arrangement #3 |
How to Use Color Charts | ||
These three Non-Dithering Color Charts all contain the same 216 (36 x 6) non-dithering colors. Non-dithering colors are used in web page design. Look at all three charts to find the arrangement that makes selection easiest for you. Choose your color or colors by their number. You can transcribe the number manually and enter it into your HTML code, or copy and paste it. | ||
Code Examples | ||
These colors can be used for background color (example: BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"), default text color on the entire page (example: TEXT="#000000"), link colors (example: LINK="#0000CC" VLINK="#990099" ALINK="#FF0000"), text colors in selected areas (example: FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif" COLOR="#000000"), or bordercolors (example: BORDERCOLOR="#CC00FF"). | ||
What Are Non-Dithering Colors? | ||
For a more complete explanation of non-dithering colors, see The 216 Colors of Netscape These are the colors that even the old Netscape Browsers will be able to display without dithering them into multicolored pixels. They are numerically described by numbers from 0 to 15, with the numbers 10 through 15 being assigned letters A through F. Each color is represented by 6 digits. The left two digits represent the color red, the middle two represent green, and the right two represent blue. Zero means no color and F means total color saturation. So #FF0000 would be red; total saturation of the color red with no green and no blue. The # sign to the left of the number indicates that the number is in "hexadecimal" format (numbers 0 through F). To create non-dithering colors, both digits of each color must be the same, and are restricted to the numbers 0,3,6,9,C, and F. |
Three Charts/Fast Loading | ||
These three Non-Dithering Color Charts all contain the same 216 (36 x 6) non-dithering colors. I have provided three separate charts because when I match colors, it helps for me to view my selection adjacent to the colors I have already placed, and adjacent to similar colors. When I view the colors in different arrangements I can make good choices faster. The Charts load quickly because they are entirely text-based. The source contains no images. |
Credits | ||
My inspiration for these charts was Lynda Weinman's Non-Dithering Color Charts. I created these charts for my personal use so that I could view different color arrangements and for the convenience of quick loading. |
Please email to contact.cgi if you have any comments or questions about this page. |
Created: 7/11/99 Updated: 6/01/06 |