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Updates as of December 19, 2002
What's new or updated on Alwanza?
What hi-tech projects am I working on?
What else is going on in my life?
Archive Table of Contents

What's new or updated on Alwanza?
I created a directory for this page and archives.  I didn't realize I was going to create a whole new section of Alwanza when I wrote the first page 2.5 weeks ago.

I'm another step closer to moving the site to my own server (my estimate is still February 2003).

Check out the new holiday recipes in the recipes section of the How To pages. 
What hi-tech projects am I working on?
I just loaded RedHat 8.0 onto my server.  I had to change the boot configuration in the BIOS to allow me to boot from CD.  I got Apache running including my CGI scripts.  Next step is to get MySQL running.

I completed the NSCC course in Object-Oriented programming, CSC 142.  Dan Jinguji was a very good teacher.  I don't know what my grade is yet, but apparently I did better than what I expected.  This is good because I studied my ass off the last 3 weeks.  Maybe after I get my other projects (long list) done, I'll figure out how to write an applet for Alwanza.

The last SPUG meeting was great fun.  I met a few Perl programmers who I'm pretty sure I'll see outside of SPUG meetings to play with Perl.  I'm finally confident that I won't look like a complete idiot next to the experts.  I couldn't have learned from them before because my own background wasn't strong enough.  Now it is.

One of the people I met can help me set up and understand mod_perl better.  Looks like it will be a couple of weeks before I can tackle mod_perl again.  I'm looking forward to it.
What else is going on in my life?
I need to line up some speakers and install parties for Seattle Linux Chix and advertise them. 

I'm still looking for employment. 

I registered for next term's classes at NSCC, but I don't know for certain if I'll be taking them.  I need to decide by December 30th.  They are day classes and taking them would probably invalidate my unemployment claim.  But the truth is that taking these Java courses would get me a big step closer to being employed sooner, and that is my real goal.