3 qts water in pot (at least a 4 quart pot)
7 to 9 oz peeled cooked chestnuts, sliced in half
* note
2 to 3 celery stalks, chopped or thinly sliced
1 russet potato, peeled, chopped or thinly sliced
1 to 2 parsnips, thinly sliced
3 oz frozen artichoke hearts or artichoke crowns or artichoke bottoms
2 to 3 cloves garlic
1.5 tablespoons vegan margarine
1 tablespoon brined yellow mustard seeds
* note
4 slices fresh or dried ginger root, sliced thin (not to be eaten)
2 whole bay leaves (not to be eaten)
sprinkle turmeric - powdered root, or a small slice of the fresh root
Peel ginger root and garlic cloves.
Start heating the water in a pot and throw in
- bay leaves
- ginger slices
- garlic
- brined mustard seeds
- frozen artichoke (crowns, hearts, or bottoms)
Chop parsnip (rounds), celery.
Bring water to a rolling boil, then add
Allow to boil with the lid cocked for at least 45 minutes, but 2 hours or more is better.
Replenish lost water, bring to a boil again.
Add the chestnuts and margarine and boil another 15 to 20 minutes.
Serving Information:
Reheat to a boil briefly before serving.
Remove bay leaves and ginger before serving.
Allow each person to add his/her own salt to taste
Makes 4 servings if it is an entire meal, or 8 if it is part of a meal.
Soup will keep for a month in the refrigerator
NOTE 1: It is possible and much more convenient and efficient to purchase packaged precooked and peeled chestnuts. If you can't find them in your local stores, find them online.
NOTE 2: Brined mustard seeds are something you prepare in advance at home and keep in your refrigerator until you are ready to use them. In a small jar, mix 1/2 cup water and 1 teaspoon salt. Add as many yellow mustard seeds as can submerge. Allow to stand on counter-top over night. Thereafter keep in refrigerator until you want to use.