- activities.html
Seattle recreation, events, gardening, trips, special places, camping
- amusement.html
humor, jokes, urban legends for the gullible, personality tests, fortunetelling, interesting Web sites, tv, radio, poems and songs, curiositites in science, nature, math;
- daypage.html
my personal links for a work day
- design.html
Web design: hot sites, specific examples, art, animation, fonts, music, design guidelines
- devi.html
browsers, courses & certification, methods, styles, philosophies, & architecture, on-line code checkers, HTML, Perl & CGI, PHP, XML, cascading style sheets, JavaScript & cookies, Java & Java Applets, CVS, PDF, Flash, developer sites, search engine info
- edutainment.html
current short-term learning projects
- employment.html
job searches, post résumé, job seeking help, career events & usergroups, networking opportunities, strategies for staying employed, keeping informed in high tech, legal advice, business ethics, international resources
- friends.html
my friends, family, and favorite teachers
- geek.html
internet news & libraries, search engines, linux & unix, shareware, plug-ins, modalities, email help, system help, security, hardware help
- inspiration.html
heros, society gone right, organizations
- news.html
Seattle news, Seattle weather, Seattle traffic, News, Weather, current events, global news, high tech news, government, politics, & religion, social reform, environmental awareness, discoveries & science, internet libraries, internet reference, search engines