use strict;
print "\nDemonstrate how || and && work\n\n";
my $secondChoice = "true";
for (1 .. 2) {
my $firstChoice = 1;
print qq|
Example $_ a: First Choice is $firstChoice
Second Choice is $secondChoice|;
# this is one way to pass variables to a subroutine
&test_me($firstChoice, $secondChoice);
$firstChoice = 0;
print qq|
Example $_ b: First Choice is $firstChoice
Second Choice is $secondChoice|;
# this is one way to pass variables to a subroutine
&test_me($firstChoice, $secondChoice);
print "\n\n";
$secondChoice = "false";
exit 0;
sub test_me {
# this is one way to pass variables to a subroutine
my ($firstChoice, $secondChoice) = @_;
my $Or_result = $firstChoice || $secondChoice;
my $And_result = $firstChoice && $secondChoice;
print "\n\n code: Or_result = firstChoice || secondChoice\n";
print " Or_result = $Or_result\n\n";
print " code: And_result = firstChoice && secondChoice\n";
print " And_result = $And_result\n";
#*********** END *********