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Problem 6.  - Jesse

Statement of Problem:

Create a simple web page made available via the Apache Web server.  It should display the name of your team, the team member's names, and any information you would like to share about your team or project.

Investigative Process:

Meryll worked with me on the beginning stages of this problem since I had never worked on a web page before.  Our first challenge was to start the web service.  We listed the contents of /etc/init.d and looked for something that sounded right - we found httpd

We did a standard startup of this process (daemon).  At this point, we tried to point the browser to localhost to see the default Apache page. 
There was some head-scratching and vexation until we realized we were running the web browser on the local machine, not  :)

This resolved, we saw the default page displayed.  Meryll then hunted down the location of the default index page in the filesystem - /var/www/html/index.html

She began by searching for "index.html" and was a bit surprised to get a very long list in response to the search.  Many of these files are in /doc directories however, and we guessed that they were documentation that could be viewed through a browser for other services on the machine.

Meryll explained that the var/www/html/index.html is not executable by default, and requires a chmod to set it up for use.

I worked on an html file on my home machine, then scp'd updates to /home/jesse on air.  After renaming the original /var/www/html/index.html to index.bak, I put my own version of
in the directory (the httpd always uses the file by that name in that location when asked to serve a web page, or so I assume.)

Start the Apache server (assuming it's installed, which it is with a full install of Redhat):

service httpd start

Modify the permissions on /var/www/html/index.html so that it is "world readable":
chmod 644 /var/www/html/index.html       (must be root of course)
At this point the Apache "feather page" should be visible if you aim your browser to the machine's IP address.  Whatever html file is found in this location will act as the
domain(or ip)/homepage
page for the server.  Once you've created your own page, rename the existing copy of index.html (to index.html.bak, for example), and then move the file you've created into /var/www/html and rename it index.html.  Remember to check the permissions on the file -
they should be set to 644.  Now when you refresh your browser window, you should see the page you created.  If you just want to work on the mechanics of this without dealing with writing HTML right now, you can use the following as content to your test index.html file:


<H1> Hello World </H1>