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22.  Write a script that checks the disk utilization on your machine and have it send a warning email to your team list of the utilization gets too high.
Use your best judgement in determining how much is too high.

Steps taken:
I decided to run this script every 12 hours, a cron job under the username airmeryll.  It runs at 6:18am and 6:18pm
crontab -e
18 6,18 * * * /home/airmeryll/bin/

The perl script, /home/airmeryll/bin/ will mail our group if disk utilization (I used df -kl) goes above 85%.

I actually don't think that 85% is critical - because we only have a couple more days of class but I do want to get early notification.

I wrote the script so that it shows usage in kilobytes and percentage and will also flag us if percentage is increased by more than 5% in 12 hours.